The backbone premise of The Rock's new sitcom Young Rock is that The Rock is running for president in 2032. Keegan-Michael Key talks about The History Of Sketch Comedy Late Night talks impeachment, we hear from Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon,...
Impeachment jokes from Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, James Cordon and Trevor Noah. SF Sketchfest is Saturday and will feature THE KIDS IN THE HALL, THE STATE, DAVID CROSS & BOB ODENKIRK, THE TENDERLOINS THE BLACK VERSION, UPRIGHT...
Saturday Night Live returns this week with host John Krasinski, you know him as Jim from The Office, or so my SEO manager tells me. And yes it made for a lame title of today's podcast, but hey SEARCH ENGINE JUICE baby!!!! Machine Gun Kelly is the...
"I thought this was a reaction to the very sweet moment that Matt and Eleanor were sharing, but seconds later, Dave Chappelle popped out from inside the restaurant!" Russell Peters is producing a documentary about hip-hop recording studio D&D...
Jim Gaffigan will play Mr. Smee in a live adaptation of Peter Pan and Wendy. The Critics Choice Award nominees are.... BEST COMEDY SPECIAL Fortune Feimster: Sweet & Salty (Netflix) Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (Netflix) Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours...
Dave Chappelle had to cancel some shows in Austin after testing positive for Covid. Chappelle was seen in pictures from earlier in the week where he was with Joe Rogan, Donnell Rawlings and Elon Musk. No updates on their situations at the time of...
Remember when John Mulaney told Kimmel that the Secret Service had investigated him? Turns out they really had - about some jokes Mulaney made on SNL about a very very public figure. Mulaney said, " I have been making jokes about him since 2007, so...
Final(ash) thoughts on Trump and jokes about the Inauguration from Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Seth Myers, Trevor Noah, Jim Gaffigan and Tim Dillon. The Podcast Awards are tonight and the nominees for Best Comedy...
Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan - do the GRAMMY awards somehow have the wrong people nominated for best Comedy album? Yes and in today's pod, the reason why. Ricky Gervais on how rich he is and whether or not you can meet him....
Bill Burr defends his Mandalorian character Mayfield's Boston Accent. A deep dive on some things Late Night could do to thrive post-Trump Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, Stephen Colbert and Seth Myers on things being looted from the...
David Letterman discusses the influence Tom Snyder had on his interviewing style. Colin Quinn discusses bombing. Hannibal Buress on ADHD Jerry Seinfeld explains that he's rich but not Own The Mets rich.
Ricky Gervais wanted to be fed to the lions after his death, but the London Zoo has declined the offer. Chris Gethard starts a podcast about New Jersey. The film Hysterical takes a look at the comedy of Margaret Cho, Fortune Feimster, Rachel...
Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers and James Cordon on the second impeachment Kevin James talks about his new NASCAR sitcom The Crew Comedy Troupe The Capitol Steps falls victim to the pandemic. That sucks. Governor Cuomo announced a...
Some deep dives today - 1. The Late Night shows discuss Trump, but today a look at the serious comments being made. It's hard to imagine say 1980's Letterman throwing this kind of heat. 2. Chris Rock recut his special Tamborine. The edits...
Ricky Gervais on being offered an opportunity to perform stand-up in space. It's a good thing that Jimmy Fallon randomly asked Ricky his thoughts on space travel or this might not have come up! Speaking of space, Andy Samberg will start in a space...
Actual real life Jerry Seinfeld is not dead, but a new series of tweets explores what it would be like if his sitcom character, also named Jerry Seinfeld, were part of a Twin Peaks like thing. Review: The History of Swear Words. Hard Pass....
Izzard said, "“I think we need to look at the things she has written about in (J.K. Rowling's) blog. Women have been through such hell over history. Trans people have been invisible, too.” Sarah Cooper on migrating from Tik-Tok to TeeVee. Bill...
Don't ask Jim Florentine to dress up as a super-hero at your kids' party. The Interrobang announced their Comedy Award winners. Hint, Colin Quinn. Spamalot will be a movie. A look at the Toronto Comedy Scene. What, you're acting like...
Kimmel and Fallon discuss Trump's twitter ban. What Tom Papa, Big Jay Oakerson, Sam Morril and Josh Gondelman miss about comedy - you know - pandemic. And a look at innovators in comedy sends Johnny Mac into a rant.
Jim Gaffigan turned the assault on the Capitol into a bizarre bed-time story. It's weird. Late Night reactions from Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and James Corden. Sacha Baron Cohen on some other ideas they had for Borat 2 Brian Posehn has a...
Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel came in hard on the events of January 6th at the U.S. Capitol. Jimmy Fallon took a different route. Trevor Noah was off (I think) but we did hear from the Daily Show twitter account. We also heard from Mark Normand...
It's The Office with Vampires and you should be watching it.
Ari Shaffir believes a lot of comedians are going to quit doing live shows and will focus on podcasts or videos or other things that don't require a live audience. Which episode of Seinfeld is Jerry Seinfeld most proud of? A look at the creators...
The Office released a previously unseen cold open in which Dwight considers entering The Matrix. Bill Burr announced he will be doing yet another podcast, this one with Paul Virzi. Buzzfeed did a "do you like this comedian or not" article and...