Johnny Mac discusses the buzz around the new Australian version of The Office, stating it follows a long tradition of various international adaptations. The show, starring Felicity Ward and approved by Ricky Gervais, will air on Prime Video in...
Johnny Mac discusses the buzz around the new Australian version of The Office, stating it follows a long tradition of various international adaptations. The show, starring Felicity Ward and approved by Ricky Gervais, will air on Prime Video in Australia and the UK. Additionally, Jeff Dunham is releasing a new Christmas comedy special, 'Scrooged Up Holiday Special', on November 19th on Amazon Prime. Nate Bargatze and his wife are contributing to an indoor facility for Donaldson Christian Academy. Roy Wood Junior's comedy touches on college textbook pricing, while Hari Kondabolu reflects on Totally Biased's impact and how it forecasted societal changes. Johnny wraps up with details on accessing ad-free shows and upcoming episodes.
00:00 Australian Office Hype
00:41 Felicity Ward's Role and Release Details
01:43 Jeff Dunham's New Holiday Special
03:18 Nate Bargatze's Generous Donation
03:59 Roy Wood Jr.'s Stand-Up Highlights
04:48 Hari Kondabolu on Comedy and Totally Biased
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