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Feb. 4, 2024

Trevor Noah's plans for hosting the Grammy's, Larry David's plans for post Curb Your Enthusiasm

Trevor Noah's plans for hosting the Grammy's, Larry David's plans for post Curb Your Enthusiasm

Johnny Mac discusses the Grammy Awards and his predictions for the Best Comedy Album category. He opines on the changing format of comedy albums from audio to video and disagreements with the Grammys' eligibility criteria for comedy albums


Johnny Mac discusses the Grammy Awards and his predictions for the Best Comedy Album category. He opines on the changing format of comedy albums from audio to video and disagreements with the Grammys' eligibility criteria for comedy albums

Grammy Best Comedy Album Nominees

Disagreement with the Grammys on What an Album Is

Bob Newhart's Unprecedented Grammy Success

Curb Your Enthusiasm's Final Season

Larry David's Post-Show Plans

Seafood Corner and Chris Rock's Red Lobster Days

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