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April 23, 2021

Tig Notaro Sex and a deep dive into the Bob's Burger's Conspiracy!

Two questions.

Have you ever seen Bob's Burgers? The answer is no.

Have you ever met anyone who has seen Bob's Burger's? The answer is no.

Today, a deep dive into how many coffees it would take to get me to "admit" Bob's Burger's exist,...

Two questions.

Have you ever seen Bob's Burgers? The answer is no.

Have you ever met anyone who has seen Bob's Burger's? The answer is no.

Today, a deep dive into how many coffees it would take to get me to "admit" Bob's Burger's exist, which of course it does not.

Here are the links I mention in the episode for you fools who think it is real:

Meanwhile, my browser said TIG NOTARO SEX.

Dave Chappelle plays Vegas on July 2

The MyPillow guy is going to go on Kimmel

Patton Oswalt's M.O.D.O.K. sounds awesome - Jon Hamm? Nathan Fillion?

Aziz Ansari's Master of None returns.

How I Met Your Mother gets a sequel called How I Met Your Father. Relax, new cast.

Eric Andre says he was hassled by cops while getting on a plane - but WHICH COPS?

www.instagram.com/dailycomedynews to vote for Battle of the Jimmys

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