Johnny Mac dives into the world of comedy, featuring Taylor Tomlinson's dream of hosting Conan O'Brien and her creative journey. Jon Stewart's potential post-election activities are discussed, along with his renewed enthusiasm. D.L. Hughley and Tim...
Johnny Mac dives into the world of comedy, featuring Taylor Tomlinson's dream of hosting Conan O'Brien and her creative journey. Jon Stewart's potential post-election activities are discussed, along with his renewed enthusiasm. D.L. Hughley and Tim Meadows provide commentary on Elon Musk's influence on media and political donations. Donnell Rawlings talks about his 'Black and Mild Tour' and his path into comedy. Stavros Halgis shares his thoughts on career success, while Jimmy Carr prepares to host 'Last One Laughing UK.' Matteo Lane introduces his humorous cookbook, 'Your Pasta Sucks,' and also emphasizes the authenticity of pasta. Additionally, the episode includes Brent's review and experience judging at the Golden Burger Challenge, supporting local restaurants and charity. The show concludes with the latest comedy news and tips for enjoying the content ad-free.
00:25 Taylor Tomlinson's Show and Tour
01:12 Jon Stewart's Post-Election Plans
01:43 D.L. Hughley's Take on Elon Musk and Media
02:23 Tim Meadows' Political Stand
03:12 Donnell Rawlings' Comedy Journey
04:39 Stavros Halgis on Neil Brennan's Podcast
05:27 Jimmy Carr's New Show Announcement
05:51 Matteo Lane's Cookbook Adventure
07:12 Brent Bytt's Celebrity Burger Judging
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