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March 19, 2020

Some innovative social media experiments by Comedians

Some innovative social media experiments by Comedians

A must-read from @RoyWoodJr how Coronavirus will devastate comedians.  @SteveHofsteter starts the Social Distancing Social Club on YouTube, @JimGaffigan starts dinner with the Gaffigans, @JoshGad starts Story Time, @PattonOswalt home schools on...

A must-read from @RoyWoodJr how Coronavirus will devastate comedians.  @SteveHofsteter starts the Social Distancing Social Club on YouTube, @JimGaffigan starts dinner with the Gaffigans, @JoshGad starts Story Time, @PattonOswalt home schools on twitter...and the Netflix Comedy Festival is postponed.  Lots to talk about today.