This is the second episode today. There was another epsiode dropped earlier today.
Johnny Mac recaps the memorable moments from Saturday Night Live's homecoming concert, including a performance by Lady Gaga and Andy Samberg. Jody touches on the...
This is the second episode today. There was another epsiode dropped earlier today.
Johnny Mac recaps the memorable moments from Saturday Night Live's homecoming concert, including a performance by Lady Gaga and Andy Samberg. Jody touches on the musical acts and sketches that took the stage, including a medley from Will Ferrell and Anna Gasteyer and appearances by musicians like Miley Cyrus, Eddie Vedder, and more.
00:25 Lady Gaga and Andy Samberg's Performance
03:08 Lazy Sunday and Other Performances
03:58 Backstreet Boys and Jerry Seinfeld
04:39 Jimmy Fallon and Other Highlights
05:05 Will Ferrell and Anna Gasteyer's Medley
05:44 Full Set List Recap
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06:51 Dan Aykroyd and Bill Hader's Absence
08:18 Email Mishap hilarity
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