In this episode, Johnny Mack acknowledges the passing of Bob Newhart and plans to do a follow-up episode later. Meanwhile, he shares news about Nikki Glaser, highlighting her successful roasts and HBO special, and discusses her ambitions to host...
In this episode, Johnny Mack acknowledges the passing of Bob Newhart and plans to do a follow-up episode later. Meanwhile, he shares news about Nikki Glaser, highlighting her successful roasts and HBO special, and discusses her ambitions to host 'Saturday Night Live' and other shows. The episode also covers the impact of recent political events on comedy, mentions new comedy specials by Weird Al and Roy Wood Jr., and previews Matt Reif's upcoming crowd work special on Netflix.
00:00 Breaking News: Bob Newhart's Passing was covered in the previous episode
00:47 Nikki Glaser's Comedy Highlights
02:32 Nikki Glaser's Aspirations and Publicist Efforts
06:40 Comedy and Politics: A Delicate Balance
10:48 Upcoming Comedy Specials and Releases
11:51 Wrapping Up: What's Next?
We'll have a Newhart Tribute episode later this morning.
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