Renowned comedian Ricky Gervais has recently ventured into the world of spirits as the co-owner of Ella's Farm Distillery. The famous distillery is known for its Dutch Barn Orchard Vodka, made from British apples while prioritizing sustainability and...
Renowned comedian Ricky Gervais has recently ventured into the world of spirits as the co-owner of Ella's Farm Distillery. The famous distillery is known for its Dutch Barn Orchard Vodka, made from British apples while prioritizing sustainability and ecosystem protection. Ricky's involvement in the business aims to boost its growth and promote its unique qualities to a global audience. With his genuine passion for eco-friendly businesses and love for a good drink, this partnership seems like a perfect match!
Comedian Bert Kreischer is expanding his horizon beyond stand-up with a scripted series and multiple film projects in the works. From his recent experience filming "The Machine," Bert realized his passion for acting and the desire to become a movie star. With his production company, Birdie Boy Productions, he aims to bring his ideas to life and draw inspiration from role models like Kevin Hart. One exciting concept is the "two bears racing team," which could potentially become a thrilling TV program.
John Mulaney recently shared his thoughts on addiction and revealed how Matthew Perry's death has affected him. Mulaney emphasizes the importance of understanding the fragile nature of life and how addiction can destabilize it.
Patton Oswalt, the award-winning actor, comedian, and author, is all set to host the 71st Annual Golden Reel Awards.
Things Sebastian Maniscalco likes.
Amy Poehler, known for her exceptional comedic talents, is now sharing her wisdom through a masterclass on improv. In her class, "Prepare to be Unprepared,"
Angela Johnson Reyes and Fortune Feimster believe that stand-up comedy is thriving now more than ever.
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