In today's episode of Daily Comedy News, Johnny Mac delves into Jim Gaffigan's upcoming tour with Jerry Seinfeld, Tom Segura's planned performance at Madison Square Garden, and various celebrity controversies. The show features a mix of comedy news...
In today's episode of Daily Comedy News, Johnny Mac delves into Jim Gaffigan's upcoming tour with Jerry Seinfeld, Tom Segura's planned performance at Madison Square Garden, and various celebrity controversies. The show features a mix of comedy news and political commentary, touching on statements by Mark Maron, DL Hughley, Eddie Griffin, and Cat Williams. Additionally, listener updates include the launch of new podcasts and a critical review of Ellen DeGeneres' latest comedy special. Johnny provides insights and reactions to the latest happenings in the comedy world.
00:00 Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan tout
00:38 Jim Gaffigan's Al Smith Dinner
01:56 Tom Segura MSG
03:26 Marc Maron on Politics and Comedy
04:05 DL Hughley and Eddie Griffin's Controversial Comments
06:41 Jay Pharoah's New Special and SNL Insights
11:03 New Podcasts and Ellen's Comedy Special Review
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