Johnny Mac delivers today's comedy news featuring John Oliver's unexpected relief at being played off during the Emmys, David Letterman's lighthearted banter during jury selection, and Nick Swartzen's antics on the Toilet Head Tour. The episode also...
Johnny Mac delivers today's comedy news featuring John Oliver's unexpected relief at being played off during the Emmys, David Letterman's lighthearted banter during jury selection, and Nick Swartzen's antics on the Toilet Head Tour. The episode also touches on Bowen Yang's reflections on SNL, a star-studded lineup for the 'Comics for Kamala' event, Chloe Fineman's coffee partnership, a potential 'Scrubs' reunion, Seth Meyers' new podcast, and Lucy Beaumont's candid remarks on gender equality in comedy.
00:00 John Oliver's Emmy Experience
01:13 David Letterman on Jury Duty
03:22 Nick Swardson's Toilet Head Tour
04:55 Bowen Yang's SNL Journey
05:52 Comics for Kamala and Coffee Talk
08:38 Gender Equality in Comedy
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