In this episode of daily comedy news, Johnny Mac delves into a rare interview where David Letterman talks to GQ about his career, his struggles with identity, and his continued work on Netflix. The episode also covers Jay Leno addressing rumors about...
In this episode of daily comedy news, Johnny Mac delves into a rare interview where David Letterman talks to GQ about his career, his struggles with identity, and his continued work on Netflix. The episode also covers Jay Leno addressing rumors about his recent injuries and his modest hotel stays. Further, it touches upon Conan O'Brien's tragic week with the passing of both his parents. The show wraps up with anecdotes from John Mulaney's bedbug scare on set and Nikki Glaser's experience after the Tom Brady roast.
00:12 David Letterman's Rare Interview
00:45 Letterman's Reflections on His Career
01:28 Letterman's Thoughts on Other Hosts
02:28 Letterman's Personal Growth and Advice
04:42 Jay Leno's Rumors and Clarifications
07:02 Conan O'Brien's Family Loss
07:25 John Mulaney's Bed Bug Incident
08:27 Nikki Glaser's Roast Experience
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