In this whirlwind of comedy news, we dive into various topics, including Ricky Gervais' response to backlash over his upcoming Netflix special. Gervais found himself under scrutiny for a controversial joke about terminally ill children. Despite the...
In this whirlwind of comedy news, we dive into various topics, including Ricky Gervais' response to backlash over his upcoming Netflix special. Gervais found himself under scrutiny for a controversial joke about terminally ill children. Despite the petition calling for its removal, Gervais stands by his humor, highlighting the divide between edgy comedy and offense.
Joe Biden tells Conan that he likes his hair.
Gary Gulman and Brad Williams have specials out today
The Manning brothers seem annoyed at Kevin Hart
Nate Bargatze is Consequence of Sound's comedian of the year.
We also touch on other news, including Bill Maher's forthcoming book, Mark Muldoon's review of Liza Shlesinger's show, tonight's Dick Van Dyke's 98th birthday celebration and the end of the vampire comedy series, "What We Do in the Shadows."
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Daily Comedy News is a production of Caloroga Shark Media, the leading company in short form daily podcasts
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