In this episode, Johnny Mac discusses the upcoming Emmy Awards, focusing on nominees in various comedy categories and giving his personal preferences for winners. He humorously critiques the presence of non-comedy series like 'The Bear' in comedy...
In this episode, Johnny Mac discusses the upcoming Emmy Awards, focusing on nominees in various comedy categories and giving his personal preferences for winners. He humorously critiques the presence of non-comedy series like 'The Bear' in comedy categories. The episode also features updates on Roy Wood Jr.'s new show on CNN, a rundown of Colin Jost and Michael Che's live comedy special on Peacock, and a discussion on the state of modern comedy and its commercialization. Other topics include Noam Dworman's insights on comedy during sensitive times and Mike Kaplan's experience at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
00:25 Best Comedy Series Nominees
00:47 Best Actor and Actress in a Comedy Series
01:18 Supporting Actor and Actress in a Comedy Series
01:57 Guest Actor and Actress in a Comedy Series
02:43 Best Talk Series and New Show Preview
02:54 Roy Wood Jr.'s New Show
04:17 Colin Jost and Michael Che's Peacock Special
06:29 Comedy and Controversy
08:42 Edinburgh Fringe Festival Insights
09:44 Communist Comedian's Perspective
11:32 Conclusion and Teaser for Tomorrow
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