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March 28, 2022

Amy Schumer nails her Oscars monologue - plus news about Rogan, Gaffigan and Pete Davidson

I will address the Chris Rock segment in a bonus episode later today.

Amy Schumer nailed her monologue.

So that Bob Saget memorial….was filmed….and will air on Netflix….which is cool, but did they all go into it knowing that?

Jim Gaffigan...

I will address the Chris Rock segment in a bonus episode later today.

Amy Schumer nailed her monologue.

So that Bob Saget memorial….was filmed….and will air on Netflix….which is cool, but did they all go into it knowing that?

Jim Gaffigan on if he’s kids think he is funny.

Joe Rogan has some questions about the tech companies.

Will Ferrell will do live versions of the Ron Burgundy podcast.

The UCB Theater was sold and will re-open at least one location.

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Email: john at thesharkdeck dot com

Daily Comedy News is a production of The Shark Deck, the leading company in short form daily podcasts.


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